صادر کننده برگزیده سال 96

به گزارش روابط عمومی صانع روی، در مراسمی که در محل سالن اجتماعات اتاق بازرگانی زنجان برگزار شد، از شرکت صانع روی زنجان به عنوان صادر کننده برگزیده استانی تجلیل به عمل آمد. در این همایش جناب آقای کرباسیان معاون وزیر صنعت، معدن و تجارت کشور و نیز مدیر عامل سازمان ایمیدرو نیز حضور داشتند. […]
واحد نمونه کیفی استان در سال ۹۶

همزمان با هفته جهانی استاندارد، همایش تجلیل از واحدهای نمونه آزمایشگاهی و نیز مدیران کنترل کیفی برتر استان در سالن اجتماعات اتاق بازرگانی استان زنجان برگزار گردید. در این همایش از 6 واحد تولیدی نمونه نیز تجلیل گردید.
Best Qualitative Unit of Province

According to the report of Public Relations unit of Sane Rooy Zanjan Co., a celebration was held in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce of Zanjan, coinciding with World Standards Week, to thank the top quality control managers of the province along with the top laboratory units. In this celebration, the top 6 production […]
Best Exporter of the Province

According to the Public Relations Unit of Sane Rooy, the ceremony was held at the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce of Zanjan and …
Best Exporter of the Province in 2016

According to the Public Relations Unit of Sane Rooy, the ceremony was held at the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce of Zanjan and Sane Rooy Zanjan Co. was celebrated as the best provincial exporter. At the ceremony, the president of Industry, Mine and Trade said that in the first six months of this year, […]
Receiving the title of the best production unit

Receiving the title of the best production unit of province in the year 2016 by State Bureau of Standards
Best Production Unit of Province 2016

According to the report of Public Relations unit of Sane Rooy Zanjan Co., a celebration was held in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce of Zanjan, coinciding with World Standards Week, to thank the quality control managers along with top laboratory and production units.
The Second of Women Gym’s Team

Clubs came in 1393, reminded the team with 15 players and 2 Zanjan referee…
Sane Rooy as superior exporter in 2014

Selection of Sane Rooy Zanjan Co. as superior exporter in 2014